
BU Health & Fitness



Mexican Stuffed Bell Peppers

pepperMexican food is my absolute favourite, I love chili con carne, nachos, burritos and fajitas! However these are usually accompanied by a large amount of simple carbs. I’m not saying carbs are bad and that you should completely cut them out, but I personally try to reduce my carb intake, or at least swap simple carbs for complex ones. Continue reading “Mexican Stuffed Bell Peppers”

Power & Conditioning

Power and conditioning day is my favourite gym day, but it wasn’t always like that. Up until probably a year ago (I exercise daily for about 2 years now), I wasn’t too keen on variations of jumps, medicine ball throw’s and press ups. Now I understand that I didn’t like it, because I couldn’t properly jump, I felt like an idiot attempting to even do it and in general just wanted to keep lifting a bar forever and ever.

Now I understand how important conditioning is and how satisfying it gets once your body is strong enough to carry out exercises correctly. I still can’t do a repetition of three round press ups, usually the first one is kind of ok ish, and then the next two I use my knees. That’s fine, because when I became a daily gym goer there was loads of things I couldn’t do at all. Even 5 press ups was Everest to me. Progress is everything and conditioning is there to help you.

So after targeting separate muscle groups during a week, on Fridays we find some space at the gym, grab a medicine ball (8 kg) and do a variation of exercises:

  • Squat jumps – squat as you would usually, but instead of coming back to stand up position jump up as high as you can. Land softly on your feet putting toes first 
  • Medicine ball chops – hold a medicine ball with straight arms, hold it to the side and move (chop) the ball up and down 12 times keeping the rest of your body still. Repeat for other side – good for arms and core
  • Box jumps – grab a gym bench and do 12 jumps. Remember to get into the right position when jumping and use your arms to support your jumping power 
  • Medicine ball throws- in the air or to your partner. Do 12 of them, the power you use to push the medicine ball away will increase your arms strength
  • Kettlebell swing – keep your legs wide enough to swing between them, push through your bum and hips 
  • 10 press ups – if you can’t do a full press up, do knee press ups

So this gets you really sweaty, especially when you do it as circuit without a rest. We usually do three rounds with a couple minutes breaks between each round. Trust me, you will be sore the next day, but it’s worth it. After a short rest we do an abs conditioning workout which you can find on our Workouts page.

That’s it! Don’t forget to stretch, it minimises achiness the next day. Happy sweating!




Quick & Easy Red Lentil Soup


soupWinter is soon here and I thought that a recipe on a warm and filling soup is well needed. This is a soup that I started to do a couple of years ago and it is a dish that I go back to whenever I don’t have much time to cook, it´s also an excellent dish to freeze for another day. This recipe is vegetarian and even if you get the protein from the lentils if you want to add some meat you can just fry some chorizo, or some other spicy sausage, to add at the end.

Continue reading “Quick & Easy Red Lentil Soup”

Our Leg Workout – Try it Yourself!

Don’t  be one of those people who neglect your legs, not only will you end up looking a bit top heavy but it can also be bad for your joints and back as it’s your legs that take the weight of the rest of your body, therefore they need to be strong to support you. Continue reading “Our Leg Workout – Try it Yourself!”

Bikram Yoga

The following post has been written by George Lawson, one of our society members. Please contact us on Facebook if you’d like to become a guest blogger.

Bikram Yoga… The aftermath

As we entered the room it wasn’t as hot as I initially thought, leaving me to underestimate how difficult Bikram Yoga would be. Little was I to know, however, that it was about to get much, much hotter in there and I was to regret wearing the baggy trackies I had covering my legs… Continue reading “Bikram Yoga”

“Abs are made in the kitchen”


Abs is a curse for most of us, because we all know the golden rule: abs are made in the kitchen. I could not agree more and yet I love a good abs workout, even though I know that this belly area is one of the toughest areas to sculpt. But hey, what challenges you the most, is always worth it?

Continue reading ““Abs are made in the kitchen””

Aerial Yoga

As some of you know we had a taster session in Aerial yoga on Monday at Bikram yoga in Boscombe, which for me it was the first but hopefully not the last time I tried it.

Continue reading “Aerial Yoga”

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